Council for Innovation and Smart Specialisation

A key advisory body of the Government that, in accordance with the Law, manages innovation activity through cooperation among state administration bodies, local self-government units, businesses and other entities. The Council is responsible to:

Propose to the Government policies and strategies governing the field of innovation and technological development in Montenegro;

Provide opinion on proposed laws and other regulations governing innovation activity and other fields, which provide general conditions aimed at encouraging innovation activity and ensure the use of its results;

Monitor the implementation of strategies governing the field of innovation and technological development in Montenegro;

Identify programmes of general interest in the field of innovation and smart specialisation;

Cooperate with other councils and entities of the national innovation system;

Monitor activities of state administration bodies and other competent authorities and institutions within their efforts to determine investment priorities and implement measures defined by strategic development documents in the field of innovation, give opinions and propose coordination of instruments;

Propose national structure for implementation of the Smart Specialisation Strategy of Montenegro (2019-2024);

Review annual reports on implemented activities under the Smart Specialisation Strategy of Montenegro (2019-2024) and submit comments to the administration authority, i.e. to the authority responsible to coordinate the preparation of the report; and

Publicly promote the importance of innovation and smart specialisation for the overall social and economic development of Montenegro and improvement of citizen’s quality of life.

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