Support Programmes

Innovation Programme 2021-2024

The Innovation Programme 2021-2024 aims to present in one place all relevant programme lines of support for innovation planned in the period 2021-2024, which will make it easier for the innovation community to identify all the instruments which are available and focus on the entire development cycle of innovation: from the idea itself to its commercialisation and market launch. (Download the programme)

Collaborative Programme for Innovation 2019-2024

The Collaborative Programme for Innovation 2019-2024 defines the general and specific objectives of the Programme, the procedure for awarding grants for innovative projects and the process of its implementation, as well as ethical matters. The programme is implemented through public calls for grants for innovative projects, and its implementation was taken over by the Innovation Fund of Montenegro, which implements the programme as a special support line. (Download the programme)

The Innovation Fund programmes

The programmatic framework of the Innovation Fund of Montenegro is set in the Innovation Programme 2021-2024. Two support lines were announced in the first half of 2022 (the Innovation Voucher Programme and the programme line Collaboration Grants for Innovation), and the remaining four lines will be launched once the conditions for their implementation are in place. (Find out more)

The 2022 Programme for Improving the Competitiveness of the Economy

The Programme for Improving the Competitiveness of the Economy aims to further encourage investments, digital transformation of businesses, transition from the linear to the circular model of the economy, introduction of international business standards, also to enhance internationalisation, as well as support beginners in business. The programme foresees the implementation of eight programme lines of financial and non-financial support. (Download the programme)

The Health Tourism Development Programme of Montenegro 2021-2023

The Health Tourism Development Programme of Montenegro 2021-2023 aims to harmonise and initiate actions of the main development entities in the public, private and civil sectors. At the same time, the Programme is a platform used to enhance the competitiveness of the health tourism offer of Montenegro, and it particularly highlights the need to adapt the existing laws, as well as the need for additional education of the health and tourism service providers, accreditation and certification of institutions, etc. (Download the programme)

2022 Agriculture budget (Agro-budget)

The 2022 Agro-budget allocated funds for market pricing policy measures, rural development measures, provides support to services in agricultural production and the fisheries sector. In addition, funds were allocated for: support to general agricultural services, social transfers to the rural population, technical and administrative support to the programme implementation, institutional development and strengthening of agriculture in Montenegro, phytosanitary measures programme, food safety programme, and mandatory animal health measures programme. The funds committed by the 2022 Agro-budget amount to EUR 50.9 million. (Download the programme)

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