Innovation Infrastructure

Innovation Fund of Montenegro

The Innovation Fund is a specialized institution and brings together internal and external experts from the fields of research and development, technology transfer, EU funds, financial management and evaluation.


The key role of the Fund is the development of various support instruments for the effective implementation of the Government's innovation policy, which is based on the concept of smart specialization, and is intended for the development of innovative entrepreneurship as a generator of sustainable economic development.


With high-quality non-refundable support programs, created in accordance with identified needs, we create a stimulating environment for faster growth and development of small and medium-sized innovative entrepreneurship and increase the competitiveness of the Montenegrin economy.

Science and technology park Montenegro

Science and Technology Park Montenegro was established with the aim of providing support and strengthening the potential of economic growth and development of Montenegro, through the establishment and growth of companies/teams in high-tech activities. Also, a special aspect of the work of NTP Montenegro is support in the development and commercialization of innovative ideas and projects.


NTP CG wants to become a generator of innovation processes in Montenegro, providing support to companies that are based on creative, innovation-oriented and highly technologically based ideas.


Support for entrepreneurial ventures through the processes of incubation, financing, training, mentoring and connecting with technological innovation ecosystems, both regional and global. Accelerating product innovation in the private sector through support programs and grants that encourage the development of new products and innovations. It encourages cooperation with the business and academic community, as well as decision makers within Montenegro. Creating a stimulating environment that encourages innovation and collaboration, by attracting and supporting tenants focused on the development of technology-based products and services and the commercialization of scientific research.

Tehnopolis - Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center

Innovation Entrepreneurship Center (IPC) Technopolis is the most important Center for the development of startup companies and entrepreneurship in Montenegro. As one of the key actors in the creation and transformation of the Montenegrin innovation ecosystem, Technopolis provides a series of infrastructure and support measures that enable the opening of new companies and the development of business based on new, innovative ideas and technologies. Through its activities, project implementation and cooperation with more than 150 partners, it supports the improvement of the innovation system and infrastructure for the overall sustainable economic development of Montenegro.


IPC Tehnopolis has a vision to become an internationally recognized and credible center of innovative activity in Montenegro, which carries out activities for the development of innovative entrepreneurship, modernization and improvement of the competitiveness of the economy, the creation of new knowledge, the development and application of product and process innovations, the use of innovative technologies, the introduction of new business models, as well as the development of capacities and infrastructure needed to support the aforementioned activities.


IPC Tehnopolis supports the improvement of the national innovation and entrepreneurship system in Montenegro through the implementation of a set of activities, the implementation of which will develop and improve innovation capacities and innovation infrastructure for the needs of the overall sustainable economic development of Montenegro.

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