International Programmes

Horizon Europe is the EU’s largest research and innovation programme that enhances cooperation and strengthens the impact of research and innovation on the development, support and implementation of EU policies while addressing global challenges at the same time. This programme supports the creation and better dissemination of excellent knowledge and technologies, and provides opportunities for legal entities from the EU and associated countries to participate.

Horizon Europe creates new employment opportunities, fully engages the EU talent base, fosters economic growth, promotes industrial competitiveness and optimises the impact of investment in a strengthened European research area.

Horizon Europe – Ministry of Education (

Horizon Europe | European Commission (

COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is an organisation for funding research and innovation networks. COST actions help to connect research initiatives in Europe and beyond and allow researchers and innovators to develop their ideas in any field of science and technology by sharing them with their colleagues.

COST | European Cooperation in Science and Technology

EUREKA is a pan-European network for market-oriented industrial research and development that offers quick access to a vast wealth of knowledge, skills and experience across Europe to its project partners. EUREKA programmes are flexible and open to start-ups, small and medium-sized enterprises, large companies, research organisations and universities.

Eureka | Home (

The European Innovation Council (EIC) is Europe’s most ambitious innovation initiative, with a budget of €10 billion for a period of 7 years. EIC’s mission is to identify, develop and scale up breakthrough technologies and disruptive innovation. The EIC supports start-ups, SMEs and research teams that develop high-risk but potentially high-impact innovations. The focus is on scaling up innovations that bring paradigm shifts and on solutions that contribute to the goals of the Green Agenda and Recovery Plan for Europe.

European Innovation Council (

IPARD is the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) for Rural Development (IPARD), which focuses on rural areas and the agri-food sector of countries involved in the EU accession process.

Through this instrument of pre-accession assistance, the EU provides financial and technical assistance to beneficiaries by making their agricultural sector and rural areas more sustainable and aligning them with the EU’s common agricultural policy.

The current candidate countries and beneficiaries are: Albania, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey.

Homepage (

Creative Europe is the EU’s flagship programme to support culture and audio-visual sector that strengthens cultural diversity and responds to the needs and challenges of cultural and creative sectors.

The main objectives of the programme are to preserve, develop and enhance European cultural and linguistic diversity and cultural heritage, and increase the competitiveness and economic potential of cultural and creative sectors, in particular the audio-visual sector. – Montenegrin Desk for Creative Europe is the implementation body of the European Union’s Creative Europe programme, established within the Ministry of Culture of Montenegro.

Creative Europe | Culture and Creativity (

The Single Market Programme (SMP) is an EU funding programme that helps the Single Market reach its full potential. This programme contributes to the better functioning of the internal market through measures that include: better market surveillance, support to citizens and businesses in problem-solving, and improved competition policy; strengthening the competitiveness of enterprises, in particular small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs); development of effective European standards and international standards for financial and non-financial reporting and auditing; provision of even greater protection for consumers and maintenance of a high level of food safety, and production and distribution of high-quality statistics.

The Single Market Programme | European Commission (

COSME is an EU programme for competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that finances initiatives that help small businesses get access to new markets. The promotion of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial culture is one of COSME’s main goals, as well as creation of more favourable conditions for the establishment and growth of enterprises.


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