The Entrepreneurial Discovery Process

The EDP produces final identification of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT analysis) for each priority sector and the economy in general.

THE ENTREPRENEURIAL DISCOVERY PROCESS is carried out to identify and enhance S3 priority areas. The process is inclusive and interactive, based on the bottom-up approach, and allows representatives from different social spheres (politics, business, academia and civil society), but primarily the economy, to propose and discuss priorities and activities through an open dialogue. It is also used to gather information about potential innovation activities and opportunities created by the interaction between science, economy and society. Policymakers assess the outcomes and ways to successfully implement the potentials discovered during this process.

Entrepreneurial discovery is a continuous process, given that smart specialisation policy makers and implementers need a continuous dialogue with stakeholders it is intended for: the business community, academia, public institutions, civil society and interested individuals.

Innovation working groups carry out the process of entrepreneurial discovery and, through constant dialogue with the wider community, collect information on the situation in priority sectors, their needs, expectations, trends, opportunities and good ideas that can contribute to the more successful development of the Montenegrin economy and society.

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